Thus Arbor India, in cooperation with SEMI Onlus, decided to repeat, with some readjustment, the Food Relief Program carried out last year. Arbor and SEMI will distribute a food package composed by 5kg of rise, 1kg of lentils, 1kg of cooking oil and one face mask, rare commodity in the rural areas. Beneficiaries of those packages are 400 families selected in 8 villages. In particular the program wants to support families with positives cases, in quarantine, or who had losses because of the virus. Considering the number of cases local staff selected this 8 villages: Nellipaka, Sarapaka, Bonakal, Wyra, Eddula Bayyaram, Enkoor, Madhira and Aswapuram.
Arbor local staff is collecting all the goods to start the distributions.