Trivandrum, 16th of February 2020.
The annual pic-nic of Arbor sttaff took place from 11th to 16th of February. Coordinators and animators together with the Central Office spent four days together discovering Kerala region. This annual appointment represent an important moment which allows people to stop speaking about work and to start create, or reinforce, human relations getting to know each other better and reaching a deeply familiarity building up a stronger harmony and motivation in the working life. This team building activity is extremely valuable and the occasion to promote a positive and friendly environment, open to communication and mutual comprehention and respect.
As always Arbor staff partecipate with enthusiasm and positive mood, enriching this days with their smiles, excitement, curiousity, dances and songs.

As always Arbor staff partecipate with enthusiasm and positive mood, enriching this days with their smiles, excitement, curiousity, dances and songs.